"out of gas"
|"code store out of gas"
|"code size to deposit exceeds maximum code size"
|"stack underflow"
|"stack overflow"
|"invalid JUMP"
|"invalid opcode"
|"value out of range"
|"static state change"
|"internal error"
|"create collision"
|"refund exhausted"
|"value overflow"
|"insufficient balance"
|"invalid BEGINSUB"
|"invalid RETURNSUB"
|"invalid JUMPSUB"
|"invalid bytecode deployed"
|"invalid EOF format"
|"initcode exceeds max initcode size"
|"invalid input length"
|"attempting to AUTHCALL without AUTH set"
|"attempting to execute AUTHCALL with nonzero external value"
|"invalid Signature: s-values greater than secp256k1n/2 are considered invalid"
|"invalid input length"
|"point not on curve"
|"input is empty"
|"fp point not in field"
|"kzg commitment does not match versioned hash"
|"kzg inputs invalid"
|"kzg proof invalid"
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